Saturday, December 11, 2010

Another one down

I turned down a job offer yesterday.

This is the second one since Meridian closed suddenly in August and I found myself unemployed and my kids without a school. The first was a nursing job that I was seriously considering and even took steps towards, but then my mom passed away and when I came back from Arizona, the job just didn't seem like the right thing to do.

I am at home....which causes mouths to gape open in disbelief when I explain that's what I'm doing now. Maybe it's the frenetic, whirlwind pace I kept working fulltime at Meridian the last 6 years that explains the reaction. Or the passion with which I worked. I was so committed to Meridian and the things I (and all of us) were doing there that maybe people thought it was the job.

It was really about my kids. I would do whatever it takes to help my kids, and my kids needed Meridian and that meant I needed to work, so I learned the skills I needed to learn and did the things that needed to be done so that my kids could be there. And it was wonderful.

But now my kids need me at home. They need me to drive them to school in the morning and pick them up after. They need me to volunteer as the reading group leader and play the flute in the Christmas program and do the girls' hair for the ballroom dance concert and cheer at every basketball game. And I want to be there.

When I got home, I told David about the experience. I said, "What I am is a professional mom. My family is what I'm passionate about and where I want to invest my time and talents and energy. And I only have 10 more years to raise my kids and I don't want to miss anything."

He totally understood and supported me. (Bless him!)

So I'm home. And completely happy.


nate and marne said...

good for you! and now that your kitchen is gorgeous, i bet it's easier to be there and stare at it all day!! i admired your working to benefit your kids, and am glad it all worked out. josh was the one who really needed it, and he got it. the girls are good wherever! it's good to see your updated posts!

kris said...

Thanks, Marne. I think I was looking for a bit of affirmation ...and you're absolutely right about the kitchen. I would go nuts staring at its former self all day long!

Heather said...

You are working at home now and your girls do need you. They need you at home and to be there and that is the nobelist of callings and you do an amazing job with it. I love watching you with your family. You are inspiring.

Lori said...

I love this post!
I'm also grateful to be home with my kids. There is nothing more important than my job as a mother.