Sunday, October 26, 2008

Setting Goals

Last night on TV, I watched "The Last Lecture" and two episodes of "17 Kids & Counting" on TLC. I was inspired by two things. First, one of the pieces of advice from Randy was "Be good at something; it makes you valuable." Then, the cute mom of those 17 kids showed their daily schedule with everyone's goals for the day and she said, "Very rarely do we we accomplish everything on the chart, but we have goals. We have something that we're working for."

I decided that my family needed goals like that, too, so today we created our own individual schedule. After we filled in everything, all of my kids remarked how they had so much "free time." We even added piano lessons and practicing back into the day and they still have all this time to play with. It was a great activity and I'm hoping it will help us feel a little more in control of our days and the direction our lives are going in.


Heather said...

I LOVE watching 17 kids and counting. It is one of my very favorite shows. I like it way better than mean old Kate from Jon and Kate. How very organized of you to have your kids set goals. It's good to teach them young. Maybe I will try something like that too.

Pugslvr said...

ave to remember this idea when Ethan gets old enough. I'm glad you're blogging now!

nate and marne said...

that's a good idea, i really need to do goals with the kids. they are turning into little twerps!! and how could you ever call the right kid by the right name if you have that many? i have a hard enough time with my 4!!

rhonda said...

I guess I need to figure out how to post comments, Kris, as I just tried to send a comment and when it didn't take my password, it erased my entire message. Ugh! Just wanted to say, enjoy the chaos and busy times as it will all end all too soon and your little ones will be grown and on their own living the dreams that you have instilled in them and helped them to discover. I sure love the craziness of family dinners with all the grandkids, but I have to admit the peace and quiet that follows when everyone goes home is pretty hard to beat. I suppose I'm showing my age with that comment. I'll try to catch your blog once in a while when I can get online. I still only have dial-up so I don't get on that often. Say hi to your Mom for me and your whole family too! Love Aunt Rhonda