Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday

This morning I arose at the early (even for me) hour of 4:30 and headed off into the night to get a bargain on a Christmas gift.

Normally I shun this ritual - only once before have I partaken, and that was only to see what all the hubbub was about. I was completely unimpressed and have not ventured out again.

But this was a really good deal, and my husband said, "You'll do it, right?" So there I was at Walmart standing in a line with a MILLION other people. When I pulled into the parking lot, my stomach began churning when I saw that it was completely full. As I walked in to the store, I learned that some people had been there since midnight. Apparently my noble effort of arising at 4:30 am was child's play compared to these hard core shoppers.

At 5am, they began distributing the item I desired and at 5:04, I was faced with the ugly reality that I was the very first person NOT to get this item as they were all gone (supplies limited, you know?).

I stared in disbelief for a moment and then returned to my car. The radio announcer suggested some online shopping rather than facing the Black Friday crowds.

What a stellar idea.


Heather said...

OH Kris, I am SOOOOO sorry, I never do black friday anymore for that very reason. Wait for cyber Monday. I feel so bad for you.

Sherri said...

I laughed at your sad experience...sorry. It's just that I can relate too well. Steve Young footballs at Mervyns drove Josh and I one yeat into the maddening crowds. When some older woman grabbed the last one basically out of his hands, I decided "never again."

I love the look of your blog. You've done an amazing job. I tried to sign up to follow but couldn't figure out how.

nate and marne said...

yeah, i very much feel your pain. i got up at 4, only to learn that the item i wanted had tickets passed out to those crazies who were there at midnight to get it, even though it wasn't supposed to go on sale until 5. hardcore shoppers really make me mad sometimes. doesn't seem fair.... but good for you for trying! it wasn't a total waste for me, i got other stuff i needed.