I love how the Lord shows He's interested in all the little details of your life.
I had a student, a really fabulous student named Victoria who I just adore. She has had an amazing first year at BYU and is heading to London on study abroad next week.
For the last couple of weeks, I've wanted to see her, to say "hi" and give her a hug and tell her how proud I am of her. It's seriously been on my mind, so much so that I actually thought about asking her mom to bring her by the school so that I could see her.
But I didn't say anything. Because it seemed silly.
So instead, I went about my days and on the way to pick up Alissa from a friend's house, I had the thought, "You ought to stop by Guru's and get sweet potato french fries." No matter that I already had dinner waiting for me at home. No matter that sweet potato french fries are not on my current list of diet options.
But I listened, and got into the very long line at Guru's and lo and behold, who should walk by me but...Victoria.
I was so thrilled to see her and gave her that big hug and "hi" I'd been hoping to and well, it was just incredibly cool.
Afterwards, I was a little stunned, because you see, He cares about all the things in my life. The big ones and the scary ones and the overwhelming ones and the important ones and even the ones that aren't that big a deal at all.
And He throws in sweet potato french fries just to sweeten the experience.
It is so faith promoting to realise that He cares about even the little things that matter to us. He loves us and wants us to be happy.
I have to admit that I keep waiting for moments just like this but alas I think I am too dumb to recognize them in my life.
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