Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Forgotten Carols

We went to see Michael McLean's "Forgotten Carols" last weekend. It has been probably 18 years since David and I saw it as a young married couple. I remember we loved it, but that doesn't come close to describing the experience we had on Saturday. It might be that we are a little older, that we have experienced more of life and love and loss. From the first song, I was completely immersed in the Spirit of the Lord. It was confirmed overand over to me...Jesus Christ is real, His story is true. He loves you, believe in Him, follow Him, serve Him.

Our daughters were enthralled, and have been listening to the songs on the CD over and over since. If you haven't seen it, go. Do whatever you have to to have this experience.

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Heather said...

I danced to this music when I was like 13 and I was very moved by it then. I hope Dad goes to Marne's concert. He will love it if he does.