Sunday, January 25, 2009

I've Been Thinking

I've had lots of thoughts running through my head this week...thoughts about our new president and our country, about the economy and education, about same-sex marriage and human rights, about faith and religion, about right and wrong.

I was so excited to see the inauguration of President Obama. I think it's important that he is a black man, that as a country we've elected him as our president. But I worry about the actions he's taken this week.

It's a complex time. I was talking with some of the teachers at school about a recent news article that said that in spite of the economy, gun sales have been through the roof since Obama was elected. People are scared he'll take away their guns since he's for gun control. One of the teachers was strongly for gun control, the other against, and I could see the validity of both of their arguments.

I read that Tom Hanks said all Mormons are un-American because of their support of Proposition 8 in California. Me? Un-American?

Lots to think about...


Heather said...

I have to admit that I too was caught up in the excitment of the whole thing and then he started things that I vehmently oppose. I am not excited about his "ideas" for this country. Your not turning liberal on us? Dad would die.

nate and marne said...

i really try hard to stay uninformed and live in my little bubble where nothing bad can happen. i think this whole thing is going to pop it sadly! i don't know a lot about the new ideas he is trying to impose on us, but the ones i do know about, i disagree completely on. what joy

Lori said...

I was really disappointed about his reversal of the ban on tax paid abortions. I knew it was coming based on his very liberal views but I wonder how many Catholics and other Pro Life faiths voted for him?
People were so swept up in "change" that I worry many didn't know what they were really voting for. I find it hard to imagine the majority of Americans support their tax dollars funding abortions and partial birth abortions.

I was very moved by his inauguration speech and our country electing the first African American President. But this latest news really stings and the honeymoon is over.

It also troubles me to see the Obama worship in the media. You would think this man was Jesus Christ the way they talk about him.

Heather said...

I couldn't agree with you more Lori. Any "hope" I may have had, which I didn't, went straight out the door.

dubnuzz said...

Hi kris! This is Collin. I don't like The new president very much. I can't wait for Disneyland!

dubnuzz said...

By the way, Did you know that I have a blog?